Automated reports: in-depth social profiles of your communities

You can define a community and then generate an automated report on that community in under 10 minutes. This allows you to take a deep dive into the social profile of any community across Australia.

1) Define a geographic area you are interested in by:

    • Selecting a pre-defined region (e.g. local government area) OR
    • Drawing an outline on a map.

East Vic Park.png


2) Generate an automated report- ready for you within 10 minutes.

    • All reports are a comprehensive 60-page profile.
    • Community profiles are organised into key areas, with summary statistics and detailed analysis of each indicator.
    • Reports are easy to read, with each parameter explained visually through graphs.
    • The report content and layout are automated. The only variable the user changes is the geographical area the report relates to and the two other areas it compares this area to. This allows reports to be easily comparable to each other and for charts from different reports to be laid side by side.

Pilbara report - births and maternal health.png

Download a draft report here: Automated report for Tennant Creek, July 2018

Subscribers can generate an unlimited number of reports for an unlimited number of areas.